Registration Fee - In Person

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Event Schedule

8:00-9:00 AMRegistration & Networking 
9:00-10:15 AMTrauma 100 Based on the Neurosequential Model Part 1Tamara Waters-Wheeler
10:15-10:30 AMBreak 
10:30-11:45 AMTrauma 100 Based on the Neurosequential Model Part 2
Tamara Waters-Wheeler
12:00-1:15 PMLunch & Research Poster Session 
1:15-2:15 PMEthicsKelly Hendershot
2:15-2:30 PMCoffee/Tea Break 
2:30-3:30 PMBeing There for Each Other After Critical Incidents: A Holistic Approach to Checking Your SixMichael Nason
3:30-4:30 PM

Beyond Burnout: Protecting Your Well-Being in High-Stress Professions (Panel Discussion)

4:30-5:00 PMQuestions & Wrap-up